I recently came by a couple of El-Nikkors: 50mm 2.8 and 70mm 4.
It is there an adapter to an F mount? I tried the 50mm today and it was very nice.
Thanks in advance!
May I assume it is rather the f4/75mm??
Best to mount using a thin Nikon-M42 adapter, M42 focusing helicoid, M42-M39 adapter ring
in the sequence camera-to-lens, all to be found easily on ebay. Looks like that then (a thin
helicoid was used here)...
EL-Nikkor lens, thin M42-M39 ring, M42 focusing helicoid, Nikon adapter mounted:
all screwed together:
on camera, ready to shoot:
This was special helicoid which allows infinity focusing using a 3.5/63mm EL-Nikkor btw.
Adapter alone lacks focusing, so does extension rings, makes not much sense IMHO ;-)