So, I go to a Chinese Lantern Festival here in OH. I took the D500 and my Tokina 11-16/2.8, having shoot this event before, this is an appropriate focal length for how I like to shoot it.
Not wanting to be completely unprepared, I also brought the Nikon 35mm f/2D and just because, I brought the Nikon 105mm f/2.5 AI lens. Didn't think I would need it, but there was room in the bag and I like to be prepared whenever possible.
There was a packed stage show and I was pretty much stuck in the seat I was in. 11-16 and 35 were way too wide, the 105 was sometimes too tight, but sometimes you just have to get what you can given the situation. Thought there might be some struggles with manually focusing, but the D500 did quite well. Not like using it on the Df...but manual focus lenses on the Df are just , well awesome to use.
Shot at either f/2.5 or f/4, I got these three shots. Using manual focus lenses more and more, practice - is the only reason I got these shots. Even a few months ago, i would have quit in frustration on these moving subjects. Not too shabby what the "ancient" manual focus lenses can do.