Posted 12 January 2014 - 21:51Today's shooting occurred at taxing winter temperatures, around -13 C with strong wind. Quite unpleasant but still better than the grey pea-soup thick fog that had engulfed us here for over one month. A dusting of fresh snow and a few hours worth of a pale winter sun made the views more than enjoyable than the ambient temperature would indicate.
I used the Df the entire day with gloved hands and had no problems in operating the camera. Battery held out as well.
I'll post some more images later. For now, just snap of an industrial facade enveloped in that very soft, almost warm blue Nordic light occurring right after sunset. In the deep winter this light lasts for a short time, perhaps 20 minutes, while later in spring the period extends to hours and in summer lasts almost through the entire night, if you are south of the Polar Circle (otherwise there is the Midnight Sun).
This capture shows the extremely delicate light gradients the Df can capture, with a great dynamic range. I used 105 mm f/1.8 Nikkor AIS for this picture.