thank you all for commenting.
The Sishen-Saldana line is (I understand) privately owned and was built for carrying iron ore from Sishen and surrounding areas. Incidentally, my family farm was the main farm where the mine was built a decade or 2 ago. Anglo American held the prospecting rights on the farm since something like 1911. Eventually they purchased the farm and bought the mineral rights and the mine was built, along with the railway line and the rest is history. The area produces a very high grade or iron ore, but the bottom fell a bit out of the bucket since China had a hick up importing the huge amount of the iron ore. I don't recall all the details. Obviously I feel a bit "attached" to the whole thing so for me it is interesting.
it is understandably difficult to show the length of the train - I have no clue what the best way would be to capture it properly. It has 8 locomotives. I also like the sound of the train