I walked through this years daily blog, which is quite interesting to do so, see which and what people cared to share over the last year.
Hats off to those that stuck to their cams!
Yes. A great effort, stunnning results, sometimes confusing. I learned I cannot take a good shot everyday but some days it hits me and I take a lot. I also learned I think in series & that on some days I simply cannot motivate myself to take any shot.
Challenges? No. I suspect my baker accidentially put wheat into the 100% rye bread which greatly improved the taste but caused a strong allergic reaction in me, symptoms of which feel like a depression. Doctors have not come to a final conclusion yet. My guess is that some bacteria in my guts intake wheat and output some chemical that poisens me. After a few hours this goes away and there will be blood in the toilet tomorrow. All that can be avoided by not eating wheat, which I normally do.... So nothing unusual or unknown, had that been there try to not go there if possible.