Current status: 95/150 supporters
Hopefully I can find some subjects as pretty as those this weekend!I'll post some cropped and some full frame, but FF will all be at f4 only as my adapter doesn't allow me to control the aperture and my Nikon bodies are all crop sensors.-Royal
these are torture tests of a sort, shifted the full distance or nearly the full distance on the long axis, and often shooting into the light. sharpness around the full image circle is improved from the 24mm, but not absolutely perfect. i definitely saw some CA, but it cleaned up easily and certainly far less than the 24mm.the only question now is whether to sell the 24 or keep both. hmmmmm
The image circle is unlikely to be at its largest at f/4. I wonder if it is possible to set the aperture to f/8 using the D500 and somehow disconnect the lens and body without returning the lens to f/4?
Well if you get one at a good price! Maybe there will be a whole new line of PC-E coming soon, well who knows,,,
that's a great deal, and you'll love the 24. it's been my most or second-most used lens for years.