Not sure I understand what precisely you are asking, is it depths of field?
It is a very sharp lens and it requires very precise focusing, preferably in live view to obtain critical sharpness,,,
It has very useful depths of focus at f/8-f/11 for shooting general architecture,,,
So I always use live view and focus on the subject that requires critical sharpness then the overall rendering appears nicely sharp,,,
Here focus is set quite close, as to render the bridge and foreground details crisp while retaining 'enough' sharpness of the building - The building is the main subject of the image however,,,
_EGL1556 by
Erik Gunst Lund, on Flickr
Samen technique here:
_EGL1543 by
Erik Gunst Lund, on Flickr
Both on D810 at f/10
BTW first image has a nice spot of flare
This lens is behaving extremely well for my use!!!