Excellent images!
Considered making a book with these?
Thank you Ole Gammelsaeter. No, no book. Most of these are mainly leftovers and misprints. I think that most photojournalists, who worked for a major market newspaper/wire service, would have similar stuff ... so what you are seeing isn't exceptional/book worthy in my opinion. If I tried real real hard, I possibly could get into the morgues of the Times, OC News and UPI to get my hands on my good stuff, stuff that was published. While I shot these images, the negs belong to the company that paid my weekly salary. So I say a book isn't in my future because:
1) I don't own the negs;
2) This isn't my best stuff, and
3) I'm terribly lazy.
I do have a book I wrote cover my Vietnam experience ... I may publish that.