Thank you Armando, the daylight does matter and the blue waters!
Olivier, I am glad you had a great time in Slovenia. Looking forward to your images!
I have found a theme, but just to keep my mind straight I made a few trademark images of Cres
I haven't talked about gear used since I am not really a true gear expert as many here
Recently, I have acquired a D750 and I am surprised that we don't have a dedicated thread for this camera. I am contemplating on opening one. It is truly a capable camera that I haven't bought earlier because I already had the Df before it was in production. I fell in love with the camera in Photokina two years ago but could never justify the expense. Why did I choose to buy it now is the real question? I suppose the ergonomics, the extra megapixels, video capability, and of course proper autofocus.
I am doing my best to find some flaws to the D750. The only thing that I realised, and that might be because I am not fully familiar with it just yet is the number of multiple exposure images that you can take. Perhaps somebody can enlighten me. With the Df one can make up to 10 multiple exposure images, but with the D750 only 3!?
Lenses used for these images are: 85/1.4 AF-D, 28/2.0 pre Ai and 300/4.5 AiS. My bag also contains the 45P, 8/3.5 Sigma and 135DC but I believe there are no images in this thread made with these yet.