Sorry for the late reply, but yes .. film strips(what I had for my testing) .. and mounted singles too(my parent's slides).
The film strip method on the PS-4 copy attachment is easy and quick to use and takes a few seconds(10-30 or so) just to line up the frame nicely.
I have a slide scanner option in my V370 which has a 4 slide attachment that clips into the lid.
It takes more time to do a considerable(say a 24 exposure) batch lot on the scanner than it takes to set up the PB-4+PS-4, configure the lighting, set exposure for the camera and then finally process those images from neg to colour.
I used the same process as Armando in CNX2, and created a batch process and applied it to the images.
From there as already said the annoyance of using opposing tweaks(brighten to darken and so on) on the colour images.
The only thing I don't have as yet is an appropriate 50-ish mm close up capable lens of semi decent quality that is a perfect fit for the PB-4.
In the end the only lens I had available to me to do my project was my Tamron 28-75/2.8! :p
It didn't do too badly tho and ultimate sharpness wasn't an issue(film grain was too coarse to see any more detail than the Tamron could resolve anyhow).
It just happened that I had a filter adapter needed to reduce the Tammy's 67mm thread down to 52mm to suit the bellows clip on the PS-4.
And the ability to zoom a little here and there for framing and focusing helped too.
Anyhow, it was all fun and interesting to play with .. and my biggest regret was the knowledge of the eventual loss of the old slides .. all thrown out due to mould.