Guenther, I feel that I missed out in that indeed. The area would have offered many fine oportunities.
Frank, this translucent appearance is, in part, the magic of the first green leaves that are nearly that. Translucent.
Armando, thank you. I feel humbled by those words, because when I'm there I too feel connected to nature, and it means quite something to me if others can recognise this in my photos.
Thank you Børge. This style is just me trying to show what I see the best I can. Style develops as I learn more about photography and processing
On our last trip to "Tor 9" I brought the new-to-me 80-200 f4 Ai-S zoom to see if that can replace the 135 f3,5 and 200 f4 in my bag.
Here are some photos taken with this lens.
One of the nicest features of the lens is the close minimum focus difference
And the ability to let dogs appear out of nowhere