Thank you for the kind comments.
The D3 is not the most modern camera and technology moved on, but I really like the file sthe camera provides. They are easy to work with, DR is good enough to mak eme worry less about the perfect exposure (getting within a stop or two is normally close enough to work the file, even though I generally do not adjust the exposure more then +/-0,7 stops) and I like the colors this sensor gives me.
What neither the D600 or Df give me is the handling and ergonomics of the body and what the D500 does not give me is the full frame sensor, so good as they all may be, the D3 will still stay with me until I can upgrade to a D4 or D5.
I am not sure if it is appropriate to continue such a thread, but here are a few more impressions I would like to share.
Taken with the 105mm f2,5 Nikkor-P
DSC_9521 by
b j, on Flickr
With the 180mm f2,8 AF-D and my girlfriends D800
DSC_0700 by
b j, on Flickr
With the D300 and 24mm f2,8 (incorrect EXIF)
_DSC4744 by
b j, on Flickr\
And a last one with the D300 and 14-24mm f2,8
_DSC7991 by
b j, on Flickr