It there is any group I am aware of that likes lenses as much as the crew here, it has to be the coin collectors. One of the more detailed sites is: this site are many of the more exotic macro lenses, with test results and comments. They have one feature called the “Lens Testing Hall of Fame” which is very interesting. you select a magnification of 0.5, which would be what I like for close-up work, you see 23 famous lenses rated by Sharpness, Resolution, Corner Sharpness, and Overall Rating.
Notice that the Nikon Printing Nikkor 150mm f/2.8 is the top ranked list on three of those four lists.
I have that lens, which they feel is the sharpest, the best resolution, and is the overall top-rated lens.
Here is a photo taken with the Nikon D810 on the Nikon PB-4 Bellows, with Zerene Stacker, to see what kind of image that lens produces.