The NikonGear Office > Site Issues

Theme Issues: Permanent Reporting Thread

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Andrea B.:
Frank, what is the "open thread" window?

Frank Fremerey:
This answer comes via quick reply. Uncluttered view. I have 5 or
6 lines to write and can see them all.

When I hit Reply I get all options but only one line to type.

When I open a thread or write a message it is the same.


--- Quote from: Somnath Goswami on August 17, 2015, 16:07:27 ---
--- Quote from: Bjørn Rørslett on August 17, 2015, 15:53:29 ---Don't  even know what that is ... thus, probably not.

We intend, by design, to stay away from 'social media'.

--- End quote ---

Not social media. An app which lets you scheme through fora that you are members of on your mobile phones/ tabs etc  , speedy and not resource hungry.

Please have a looksy

--- End quote ---

I would appreciate this very much, too!
+ tapatalk takes care of reformating contents on mobile devices, so no workarounds for various devices necessary
+ afaik supporting tapatalk just takes inclusion of a few code lines in the forum code
+ NG-R would be listed in tapatalk fora search.
- it's free for both users and site owners, the "price" being ad-injections in tapatalk. But whether this is an annoyance or acceptable is up to everyone's individual opinion.

Link to tapatalk site:


Andrea B.:
I am adding Tapatalk to the list of things to look into.

There is also a more mobile responsive version of the forum software which is on the horizon.
Hopefully that upgrade will be available soon.

((I must admit that I am slightly mystified about why anyone wants to look at a photography website on their cell phone?? The fotos are so tiny on a cell phone!!!))

I just noticed that the NikonGear logo is displayed, albeit slightly soft, properly in "Curve" theme in IE11 on my Win7 now.

Thanks, Andrea, for the further improvement!


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