How about the classic rich man's amateur set, a 28/2.0, 50/1.4 or 50-55/1.2 and a 135/2.8. The very set I didn't want back in the early '70s. I didn't want a 28mm and 135mm lenses for no better reason than that was what most amateurs bought. The poor mans set was 28/3.5, 50/2.0 and 135/3.5 in those days.
My choice was a 55/3.5 Micro Nikkor-P, 105/2.5 Nikkor-P and a 24/2.8 Nikkor-N. Later I added a 35/2.0 Nikkor-O, 20/3.5 Nikkor-UD and finally when I could not afford anything longer than 135mm a 135/3.5 Nikkor-Q. The 135/3.5 cost me $135.00. Years later in the same situation while buying AI Nikkors I bought a 135/3.5 AI for $270.00. In the late '70s a friend joked that I bought so many lenses that I could not afford film, almost true but I always had one or two hundred feet of bulk Tri-X on hand.
To this day 20mm and 105mm just feel right.