Just got mine by Fedex from Japan. Near mint, optics are absolutely clean and focus action is ideal - fluid, neither too loose nor too stiff. The lens is as good as aberration-free, reminding me of the Zeiss 135/2. I'll take it out as soon as the rain stops and when I get the step-up ring to put a lens hood on (HS-4, HN-7, or similar).
Here two shots of young Jesus and parents, a terracotta by Rosa Ramalho (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Ramalho ; I met her when I was a youngster...).
First one is cropped, f/4, handheld, ISO 3600. Second one at f/22, ISO 100, uncropped and on a tripod. I have no reason to complain. Diffraction ? not really noticeable. LoCA ? none. Color ? nice (as much as bulbs can make it possible).
I only saw one strange phenomenon on stopping down between f/4 and f/22, namely slight color shifts (towards green) on certain stops. That's probably related to varying stray light reflections, only noticeable in LiveView, and anyway minimal.
Thanks to several NG members for advice, and especially for "tipping the scale" towards buying. Despite the price tag (aggravated by import tax), it is worth every penny. The relatively light weight and incredibly small size make it an ideal travel companion for my old Df and my old back. It does not compromise at all on optical quality (unlike the otherwise remarkable Elmar-R; comparisons to follow in another thread).
Now the question is, when shall we travel again...