The photos I posted were made with 45P and the PN-11 which gives a really high magnification hence the extremely narrow depth of field.
Picked up a Nikon 45 P f/2.8 from Japan. With the PN-11, as you mentioned, it is too much magnification. Using shorter extension gives you a much better context-view. However, mounting it directly on the camera makes for hard focusing with the teeny-weeny focus barrel. I found it best to mount the lenes directly on the camera and the camera on a good focus rail. The camera was the Nikon D810 at ISO 64, but with various extensions, all stacked. In addition, a 2-layer stack with the Zeiss Otus 55mm, just for comparison.
I tried it on the PB-4 Bellows, but it is too much extension. I will try it on my forthcoming technical camera with a bag bellows when all the parts arrive.
I did not shoot a single frame, as wide open the results did not interest me for the work I do.
I tried the PN-11, the PK-12, and the PK-11a.
What do I think? Well, things are OK, but not sure why I would use this lens over many others. Time will tell.
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