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Another enormous device is the cutting shield of the tunnelling machine used for the St Gothard railway tunnel, the longest in the world. Also displayed on the Transport Museum of Lucern (CH)You find the presentation of the Transport Museum here https://www.verkehrshaus.ch/en
Hi, Chuck, this is a nice capture. The processing look interesting.And this was shot this morning.
Armando, you are on fire at the moment!
Just puttering along the Ottawa River on a nice autumn day. * *
"Local train" in suburb of any Indian metro. Not so fun. It gets unbelievably crowded during rush hour. You might faint unless you are used to traveling like this. Mumbai tops - 7.5 million commuters daily on these local trains. Kolkata is not far behind - around 4-5 million commuters daily. Here are some shots from one of the suburbs in Kolkata.How it looks inside of it? Well, I've seen better ones though. And they are nothing this empty during rush hour.A wonderful serie !