It dependes. Funny bokeh, vignetting, or sharpness drop towards the corners can sure be used for "creative" purposes.
Purple fringing or "glow"... to some extent (especially after BW conversion).
Wavy distortion? much less so, and I can dispense with flare most of the time.
LoCA? never (at least, not my style).
That being said, pocketable lenses are nice. My smallest bag is a ridiculously small Peakdesign sling bag where I can fit Df + a mounted 50 mm, a compact wide angle and the very compact Elmar-R 180/4 (alternatively, a Nikkor 135/2.8 or similar. Then there is just enough room for a spare battery. Well, 20+50+180 is a nice range for such small volume (and weight). Not sure you can do that with the Z series stuff...