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Quickly browsing airport images from my archive, I made some surprising discoveries. This night scene, from Frankfurt am Main Germany August 2009, is remarkable not because of its photographic qualities, but by clearly showing a person I at that point in time hadn't met, but soon thereafter became a dear friend.I am of course talking about "The Great Dane" aka "Dr. Lens", or Erik G. Lund. His impressive frame, here with a khaki-coloured attire, really stands out in the crowd !! I noticed his photo vest and started talking with him later on the flight, and we spent the long flight from Frankfurt to Johannesburg discovering we had so much in common. The rest is history, as they say. The present NikonGear Community is a direct consequence of that trip in so many ways. During the trip, Jakov and Jan Anne also entered the inner circle permanently.
Anirban: Oh my! I hope he's not the only one
A Sisyphean action if I ever saw one
Exactly my thought!What a great image!