Author Topic: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?  (Read 30536 times)


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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2015, 11:54:03 »
You could help your self and others using this by raising a support case for phase one with feature request in the header.
Apart from the header, this is exactly what I did last night.

It's quite true that the company phase one is by far more interested in the hardware they produce and sell.
Yes, very little resources in the software ;-(

Maybe I should start a C1 specific thread to collect C1 tidbits..



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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2015, 15:28:14 »
Maybe I should start a C1 specific thread to collect C1 tidbits..

Good idea !
Hans Cremers

Jørgen Ramskov

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2015, 00:28:07 »
I just installed Photo Mechanic and did my first import. It sure is fast! Having used basically nothing but LR for quite some time, it'll take some time to grok the interface. Perhaps it's just my english that's lacking, but several of the terms used in the interface confuses me. I more or less understand what Ingest means, but it's a word a have rarely seen. I wasn't sure what "Contact sheet" was either. Has anyone made a LR <> Photo Mechanic translation page? :D

My first import didn't go quite right either and I didn't expect it would as the interface is a bit intimidating I think. I normally import my images into a folder like this: \Pictures\YYYY\<YYYY-MM-DD> <Relevant name>\<YYYY-MM-DD> <Relevant name> <sequential number with 3 or 4 digits>. I'll figure it out for sure, but it's late here so it'll have to wait.

Photo Mechanic is clearly a power tool and I have no doubt it is worth spending some time to learn how to use it efficiently, especially if you shoot a lot of images.
Jørgen Ramskov

Bjørn J

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2015, 00:50:27 »
Photo Mechanic is clearly a power tool and I have no doubt it is worth spending some time to learn how to use it efficiently, especially if you shoot a lot of images.
I have spent some time learning PM the past weeks, it is in many ways a brilliant tool for photographers. They have a very good wiki and user manual, and not least a great support forum where people from PM are very active contributors.
User Manual:
User Manual flat view:
Bjørn Jørgensen


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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2015, 01:43:50 »
I just installed Photo Mechanic and did my first import. It sure is fast! Having used basically nothing but LR for quite some time, it'll take some time to grok the interface. Perhaps it's just my english that's lacking, but several of the terms used in the interface confuses me. I more or less understand what Ingest means, but it's a word a have rarely seen. I wasn't sure what "Contact sheet" was either. Has anyone made a LR <> Photo Mechanic translation page? :D

My first import didn't go quite right either and I didn't expect it would as the interface is a bit intimidating I think. I normally import my images into a folder like this: \Pictures\YYYY\<YYYY-MM-DD> <Relevant name>\<YYYY-MM-DD> <Relevant name> <sequential number with 3 or 4 digits>. I'll figure it out for sure, but it's late here so it'll have to wait.

Photo Mechanic is clearly a power tool and I have no doubt it is worth spending some time to learn how to use it efficiently, especially if you shoot a lot of images.

Ingest is what most of us call Import, not sure why they use that.

I highly recommend using the variables at the bottom left of the Ingest screen for dates and frame numbers.  My images are all renamed {datesort}_Relevant Name_{frame}  . {datesort} is a Variable which extracts the shooting date from the Exif in the format YYYMMDD (there are other Variables to show the date in different formats) and {frame} is the frame number from the Exif.   Using Variables means minimising keystroke entry.  There are a lot of variables to choose.

The folder can be anything you want on your computer.

It is worth filling in the IPTC stationary pad with as much information as possible at the outset, so this is automatically applied to everything in the shoot.  You can amend this later for specific images or groups of images.

I also recommend setting Preferences>Accessibility so that 0-5 sets the rating, and Preferences>Preview so that all the boxes under Automatically Advance are checked.  This makes reviewing really fast.  Tagging a photo instantly moves you to the next one - I use this to select the images I know I want to delete, and then select and delete all the tagged.  This tidies up the contact sheet.  I then typically go through them, grading 1 for all the possibles - again, grading a photo instantly moves you to the next photo.  I then upgrade the best of the 1s to 2, and if necessary the best of the 2s to 3.

Once you get used to the various options it is really fast to work through a shoot and identify the keepers.
Anthony Macaulay

Jørgen Ramskov

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2015, 10:44:02 »
Thanks for the links Bjørn, I have started reading :)

From the manual:
"Photo Mechanic sets out to be the most useful photo browser on the market today. It does this by being logical in operation, intuitive in use and, most importantly of all, performing its functions as quickly as possible."

Depends on who you ask I guess, not sure I agree that it is entirely logical and intuitive :) They are using what I consider slightly wierd terms and why is the shortcut for Ingesting images <CMD>-G?

Anthony: Yes, I was looking at those, I haven't quite found the date format I use, which is YYYY-MM-DD. I wonder whether it's possible to create your own format? I haven't found any mention of that so far. Another thing is that I regularly have pictures from more than one day on a card which I put in the same folder. So far, I have named all my files the same name as the folder name (YYYY-MM-DD <relevant title>) plus a sequential number. I guess that's not really possible by using variables. Or perhaps I haven't gotten enough coffee today yet :D
Jørgen Ramskov

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2015, 11:15:28 »
As long as the actual date is extracted from EXIF into a variable, it should be easy to transfer files into any date-based catalog structure. The hardcore EXIFTool has offered this option for decades .... So in the unlikely case PhotoMechanic doesn't provide the right answer, it's easy for any computer literate to write a batch script using ExifTool.

John Geerts

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2015, 11:17:13 »
That's also my problem, Jørgen. The File-name options on 'Digest' (what a strange name!!) or Transfer, which sounds more logical, are very limited. The 'standard' I use, VIEW NX2, is  most flexible.  Unfortunately it does only load Nikon NEF's.

All the other Image-viewers I checked, Faststone, Bridge, PM  etc. are very limited in file-naming (including correct format) during transfer of files from camera to hard-drive.   But perhaps I overlooked something....

Jørgen Ramskov

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2015, 11:56:55 »
I've figured out the folder naming: {year4}-{month}-{day0} <relevant title>

Now I just want to use that folder name as the basis for my filenames, would something like: {foldername} {seqn}

I haven't found the {foldername} option.
Jørgen Ramskov

Øivind Tøien

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2015, 12:33:20 »
I am just copying files from the card to my drive and using Bulk Rename Utility, to rename files. It is very flexible; I have a different settings file for each body. My date/time format is on the form 2015-10-31-2345W-1758.NEF, where the letter is a camera code and the last number is the file no. recorded by the body. Folders are named manually with similar date format+ descriptive name. I frequently create folders with a date interval, for instance 2015-10-20-31-Moon-Aurora. Raw files with reside in folders Raw or Original-Raw. (I also use it to add suffixes for different file resolutions to the name after batch conversion.)

Then  I quickly go through with Irfanview to cull obvious discards.

These files are then copied to two different set of drives, one for originals and one for editing (with backups of each of course).

Then I use ViewNX2 for adding keywords etc. and for initial ratings, IR files are also marked with a red tag. I do some quick adjustments in ViewNX where needed, particularly if exposure adjustment is required for initial evaluation of files.

The I do the final editing in CNX2 of tree-star and higher files. At the end, ratings are re-evaluated in ViewNX2.
Batch conversion is  performed in CNX2 to different jpg resolutions, and I also make copies of highest rated full size jpgs to subfolders Selected and Selected-best if anyone qualifies for 4 or 5 star ratings.

I have from time to time looked at Photomechanic for browsing/keywording, however I have found that unless I have missed something, the star and color ratings are not compatible back and forth in a reliable way with CNX2 and ViewNX2.
Øivind Tøien


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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2015, 13:58:03 »
Jørgen, as the Variables relate to image metadata, I do not believe that it is possible to use them to rename the image on Ingest, as the destination folder is not part of the image metadata at that stage.

I can think of two workarounds.  The simplest, in my view, is, immediately on completion of the ingest, select all the relevant files and rename them using File>Rename Photos, inserting the variable {folder}.  This will add the folder name to the file name.  It takes mere seconds to do this.  I quite often rename photos, as there may be images that need different names ingested at the same time.

Another solution would be to insert the folder name in a spare IPTC field.  An example would be Supp Cat 1 under Status in the IPTC Stationary Pad.  You can then add the variable for that field into the new file name as part of the Ingest process and it will be picked up automatically.  I think this method is actually a bit more complex, and unless you remember to keep updating the relevant field then it may add incorrect information when you use it in other circumstances.

It may be interesting to raise this issue on the Photomechanic Support Forums, as I am far from being an expert on every aspect of this program.

Personally, I find it best for each image to have the date it was shot as part of its name.  As this is in the Exif, it is a permanent feature of the image metadata, which helps with tracing multiple versions.  For similar reasons (following Bjørn R's advice) I now use the file number from the camera, not a sequential number from the shoot.
Anthony Macaulay


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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2015, 15:40:01 »
I am just copying files from the card to my drive and using Bulk Rename Utility,
Then  I quickly go through with Irfanview to cull obvious discards.
Then I use ViewNX2 for adding keywords etc. and for initial ratings, IR files are also marked with a red tag. I do some quick adjustments in ViewNX where needed, particularly if exposure adjustment is required for initial evaluation of files.
The I do the final editing in CNX2 of tree-star and higher files. At the end, ratings are re-evaluated in ViewNX2.
Sounds rather labor intensive to me.

Programs like PhotoMechanic or AfterShot that have fully automated batch queues are much more efficient for downloading things while putting them in the right place and applying whatever naming scheme you desire.

Programs that do allow you to tag and advance with one key like PhotoMechanic or Lightroom make the culling&selection process much faster.

Flipping between ViewNX and CNX is something where I finally give up...
CNX should be a superset over VNX, so why hop around?



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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2015, 15:43:31 »
Jørgen, as the Variables relate to image metadata, I do not believe that it is possible to use them to rename the image on Ingest, as the destination folder is not part of the image metadata at that stage.
You should be able to use user variables like jobname for this me thinks.



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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #43 on: November 01, 2015, 16:43:15 »
Personally, I find it best for each image to have the date it was shot as part of its name.  As this is in the Exif, it is a permanent feature of the image metadata, which helps with tracing multiple versions.  For similar reasons (following Bjørn R's advice) I now use the file number from the camera, not a sequential number from the shoot.

He is putting the Date in the folder name and then continuing it to the file name.  I think he can use the Date variables for both the folder and the filename (I do this). I actually make a folder for each level,   2015/10/31   for example as YYYY/MM/DD.  I like the granular folders, other may not. 

Trying out PhotoMechanic has made me realize I am indecisive about photos. I feel "attached" to even the bad ones, well the out of focus or missed shot I will delete. My problem is I keep a lot of mediocre photos, like some magic filter in Lightroom 10.78 will fix my poor composition or technique!!

So who has strong culling discipline and what are your words of advice to Delete More and Save Only Great Shots?


Jørgen Ramskov

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Re: Workflow - LR - consider alternatives ?
« Reply #44 on: November 01, 2015, 17:13:17 »
Personally, I find it best for each image to have the date it was shot as part of its name.  As this is in the Exif, it is a permanent feature of the image metadata, which helps with tracing multiple versions.  For similar reasons (following Bjørn R's advice) I now use the file number from the camera, not a sequential number from the shoot.
I can see it would be nice to have the correct date for each image shot as part of its name, but the tool I currently use (Better Rename) doesn't support using variables like that. If I use {year4}-{month}-{day0} <relevant title> {seqn} to ingest/import images from several days, I gather it should use a sequential number for all images, but the dates would be different?
I can't imagine ever needing the file number from the camera?
Jørgen Ramskov