I cannot offer faster culling. But where Andreas is offering iMatch win only, i offer photo supreme (PSU). While PSU is both win and mac, it also comes with a server version that uses PostgreSQL. As you may know, that is a grown up database.
PSU itself is not the fastest in the world, but is very stable (for me at least). I run the postgres server on the same machine as is my workstation. You are free to choose any configuration you like, probably depending on how much of a DB admin you are.
PSU is good enough for importing, it offers a host of naming/renaming options and file placement options. Culling with selects, or star ratings, or colour flags. Sending to external raw converters (i use C1, PN and LightZone), pixel editors (e.g. Pixelmator, Affinity Photo), or other sorts (email, HDR, stacking, etc.). It is also pretty strong in metadata, even though i don't use much of that. I do use the catalog keyword hierarchy for my organization, but don't really use image metadata.
It even does (some) export, but i never use that, i export from C1.
In my opinion, C1's catalog is not ready for large libraries. While some can use it, it lacks too many necessary features to make it compete successfully. Hopefully Phase One improves in that area, the more competition, the better (for us).
@Andreas: could you explain a bit more about "Its silly insistence on specific output places" regarding C1? I don't understand that.