Yesterday I found myself in an alien world - in every sense - as the photographer at the wedding of a friend at the ancient church at the Old Town, Fredrikstad, Norway. In this task, I was of course way off my league, but found consolation there were two other photographers present to cover for my mishaps. The weapon of choice was D500 with the 24-70/2.8 Nikkor.
The image below is an 11-frame stitch done hand-held, at the slowest speed I dared to use (1/50 sec). Interestingly, the stitching itself was almost perfect (PTGui to the rescue), however, the poorly positioned incandescent lights cycled at 50Hz and I caught various parts of these cycles leading to some colour abnormalities (banding) seen on the background structures. I decided to let these be a part of the whole experience.
ISO 5000 and I deliberately sought a faded colour rendition worthy of the location by using b/w luminosity blending over the base image. Perhaps this ancient trick will get its own name too?