Does a short focus throw matter that much if one is shooting at 1:2 to 2:1 since focus is usually achieved by moving the camera rather than with the focus ring? One would set the image scale with the focus ring and focus using a macro slider or by moving the camera in hand.
You've already answered your own question.
At those magnification factors, the focus ring should mostly be used to set the magnification than to focus. The short focus throw would be less of a problem.
Agreed, nobody "focuses" anything at 2:1 and beyond.
At that magnification, you're either using a macro rail (natural light) or you're hand-holding (with a flash), both of which involve moving
the camera closer or farther. Microscopes, bellows, etc. all involve the same principle re: high magnification, namely moving the whole optic closer or farther, or the stage itself closer or farther, not "focusing" the objectives.
The Canon MP-E 65mm operates by the same principle: set the magnification, then move
the camera close or far, physically, by rail or by hand.
I am sure the MP-E has been returned by many "for not focusing," but it's simply ignorance rather than some flaw or shortcoming of the lens.