With the new Z6 III coming out, I'm finding some good prices on used Z6 and Z7 cameras. I already own a Z6 and love it for both stills and 4K video.
I no longer make large sized prints, so I don't really "need" the higher resolution of the Z7, although I do sometimes make substantial crops. Also, 2 card slots are not required.
I would prefer to "upgrade" rather than just buy another Z6 (existing Z6 would become the backup camera). So that leaves the Z6II, Z7, and Z7II, as options. The ZF looks interesting, but it is a bit expensive for me (and I already have "pixel shift" capability in my Pentax K-1).
If you have experience with Nikon Z6II, Z7, and/or Z7II cameras, I would love to hear your camera recommendation.