The TT-Artisan M-Z 6-Bit Lens Adapter Ring for Leica M Mount Lenses to Nikon Z Mount cameras certainly does transmit EXIF data to the camera body and also it supports the Z camera's focus dot feature.
Alas, focus must still be done manually with this adapter, although it does support focus trapping.
And older M-mount lenses need to have the appropriate 6-Bit code added to them (however not a particularly difficult DIY task).
I guess that with a Nikon F-mount to Leica M-mount adapter and some bogus 6-bit coding on the F to M mount adapter, one could trick the camera into recording EXIF data for non-Leica manual lenses......
EDIT: The TT-Artisan M-Z 6-Bit adapter can also record the taking aperture in much the same way as the Nikon Df body handles non-Ai lenses when its aperture follower tab is flipped up; in this situation the Df requires the taking aperture on the lens to be set to that which is set on the body.
Given that the TT-Artisan M-Z 6-Bit adapter can now do this on a Z camera, it is a great shame that Nikon's own FTZ adapter cannot do the same. Just some firmware needed?
Is any EXIF data transmitted to the camera?