Birna, thank you for the great advice on lenses and filters for UV and IR with the Fujifilm IS Pro full spectrum camera!
I am quite happy with my IR converted D200 camera body, and may keep it and leave the Nikkor 28/3.5 lens on it for my IR photography.
As for my UV photography, I am considering using the Fujifilm IS Pro only for UV images. Hopefully I'll find a lens or two that I like for UV photography, get a Baader U filter, and use those lenses and filter on the IS Pro just for UV photos.
I've always been an advocate of keeping my photography simple, and having one camera for IR and another for UV with a very limited number of lenses will simplify things for me, shorten the learning curve, and enable me to master my gear quicker.
You mentioned that many D200 accessories will work on the Fuji IS Pro. Do you know if the D200 power grip will work on a Fuji IS Pro? If so, would I be able to use D200 batteries in the grip, or would I need to run the Fuji IS Pro batteries in it? If you don't know, I'll test this idea myself in the future and report back here with the results.
Birna, I reviewed many of your UV photos on your old website. I particularly like the UV rendering of: water/waves, reflections, trees, and water lilies. While I do like how some flowers look in UV, so many seem to turn out with a bland white rendering which has little appeal to me.
I especially thank you for the referral to the UV photography blog. I was not aware of that site, and plan to join and participate in their discussions.
I have a small/new YouTube channel and in time I'm sure that I will make and post a video to it that features this Fujifilm IS Pro camera and photos I take with it.