Current status: 95/150 supporters
July 8Den Burg today, the proclamation of the free republic of Tessel, which means not accepting rules and regulations from the government.Texel being an island in the Waddensea,Z fc, 16-50mm f/3.5-6.3
“ Het mooie eiland Texel “. Spent some time there during my several stays at Den Helder, when I was in the Navy.
My ophthalmologist during a follow-up exam after my recent cataract surgery. He did not do the surgery, it was done by another specialist in his group but he is my regular doctor. He says my vision continues to improve. Right now I can see better at distance without my eyeglasses but the close and medium distances are driving me crazy. I juggle between standard Ray-Ban sunglasses, reading glasses and my old progressive glasses. We'll see how things progress over the next month.D700, 35/1.8 Nikkor G lens.
full of emotions Paco - love it
Yesterday was the big parede of the gay pride in Madrid. Streets packed with people celebrating. Today the citie is still covered with colorful flags. May the shadow of love and understanding be long and the colors fill the air. Z6, 24-70mm f4