My dog, Reggie, spends a lot of the time looking out our rear glass doors and when he sees some animal, he barks. It can be anything from a chipmunk to a White-tailed Deer. He is wonderfully adept at finding animals that with all the foliage, I have at times a hard time initially locating. This morning, he found this handsome creature that when I saw what he was looking at made a mad scramble for my camera, which fortunately was on the kitchen table. Carefully keeping Reg inside the house (he had chased a bear once causing me acute concern for his safety), I went outside and tried to get the clearest and closest shots possible as he moved through the trees.
The bear thoughtfully posed looking carefully at me standing at the bottom of the hillside with a big honking camera pointing at him and then slowly rumbled off to do whatever he had been doing before we noticed him.
Also provided is a picture of the Regmeister, my great little bear hunter sniffing through the grass the other day to give all of you a little more detail to the players in this dramatic interlude.
We live in exciting times.