Author Topic: Advice regarding Z7  (Read 5366 times)


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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2022, 03:36:17 »
Just for illustration: Z7, 24-70/4 at 61mm, 6.7, 1/45, ISO 2500, handheld. The crop of 100%.  LZ     2022-08-25 008 by longzoom, on Flickr  Han2022-08-25 008-1-2 by longzoom, on Flickr

Lars Hansen

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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2022, 14:25:37 »
Thanks Longzoom. I probably owe a follow-up - in case of any interest.

I decided to get the Z7 despite the "surplus pixels" etc. - I couldn't resist the base iso 64 and IQ being close/similar to the D850 sensor. I really like the colors, tones and the flexibility of the files and great shadow recovery.

Along with the Z7 I got the Z 24-70/4 and Z 50/1.8 - I've also borrowed a Z 35/1.8 which I'm not keeping because the 24-70/4 at 35mm performs really great for my use. It made more sense to me to keep the 50/1.8.

As for the camera body I was a bit skeptical at first but after some use the ergonomics and handling of the camera feels really great in my hands and I prefer the larger camera body compared to my smaller Fuji's.

I get far more keepers than I expected based on the concerns about high pixel count and handheld shooting technique - down to 1/15 handheld at around 35mm and at 24mm I sometimes also get away with 1/8. Apparently my shooting technique is not totally corrupted ;-) .. the truth is that the stabilization in the Z7 seems very effective which is a big advantage with the high pixel count and also a big advantage that it allows me to shoot at base iso more than I anticipated.

A few lessons learned:
- With the 24-70/4: if the zoom lens is not extracted after power-on, a warning screen is displayed and seems to keep the camera running and drain the battery. I hadn't turned off the power (usually not a major problem with my other cameras) and after a 10 km bike ride I picked the camera out of my camera bag - the warning screen was still on and the camera was really hot (made me a bit concerned..) and the battery was almost drained.
- Shutter type: unless you need a specific shutter type, then set the shutter type to Auto. I wasn't able to get keepers at 1/80 even at 24mm but knew it could be shutter shock - when I switched to EFCS it was fine. When set to Auto, my understanding is that EFCS is used at 1/250 and below.   


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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2022, 16:37:11 »
Everything that you said is true, but one thing only - 10 km on the bike is about 30-40 min. The battery should not be drained as fast. Was not the release button pressed with something? THX!  LZ

Lars Hansen

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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2022, 16:55:58 »
Everything that you said is true, but one thing only - 10 km on the bike is about 30-40 min. The battery should not be drained as fast. Was not the release button pressed with something? THX!  LZ

Thanks Longzoom. I don't go fast through forest tracks so at least 40+ minutes. The battery was not totally drained - I did manage to get some shots. I have no idea how much battery the rear lcd drains but as I wrote it was really hot. I don't think the release button was pressed by accident but I did consider that - I carry the camera in its own "protected" slot in a separate camera bag inside my backpack and I cannot see that it should be possible, but never say never. Anyway .. just a warning  :)   


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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2022, 16:38:42 »
Just for illustration: Z7, 24-70/4 at 61mm, 6.7, 1/45, ISO 2500, handheld. The crop of 100%.  LZ

Cool shot! What are you illustrating, that handheld on Z7 is possible? (I think yes) Or are you saying it has a little shake that you were not expecting (at 100% crop)


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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2022, 19:06:07 »
RobOK, that's true for both cases. For illustration, again. The same combo, at 24mm, 5.6. 1/250. The crop of 200%.  LZ
 2021-03-22 025 by longzoo[url=]2021-03-22 025-2 by longzoom, on Flickrm[/url], on Flickr


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Re: Advice regarding Z7
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2023, 23:55:36 »
Z7, 70-300 AF-P, at 300mm, ISO 7200. A crop.  LZ06-30 2023 by longzo[url=]2023-06-30 035 by longzoom, on Flickrom[/url], on Flickr