Author Topic: Nikon Z -fc formally announced  (Read 9203 times)


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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2021, 12:09:12 »
pink is one of my favorite colors :o :o :o

however i am not buying this as its DX ::) nothing wrong with that but its just not my thing

this is more like a fuji killer than anything else if you ask me.


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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2021, 13:08:41 »
Nikon have an unusually strong push on social media launching the Zfc: with predictable targets.

Actually this DX MILC is quite a bit more than the Z50, including expanded AF capabilities.

The Zfc could become a good seller,  including among  the younger cohorts  of customers entirely new to using an ILC for real photography.

One has to wonder how much millennials andhigh school kids know about the technical aspects of digitial photography. But some Zfc owners will soon learn the nuances about FX vs DX etc, and add more lenses, perhaps a FTZ too.... and so learn about the classic Nikkors out there... also seeing what older glass was used/ and still is delivering on the classic film cameras (including FM2 bodies). A ZFc should also sell to those who began their photography with a  FM2 or similar.

Nevertheless, the marketing slant to use older Legacy lenses with the Zfc opens up the recurring question. Where is the FTZ adapter with an Aperture-Indexing ring and full support of Screwdriver AF ?!? See this video by Nikon Europe which includes a strong pitch for compatibility with legacy F-Nikkors:

All in all, if Zfc attracts newcomers to Nikon, it's worked for the designers to help grow the Z System. Thus, a great idea acted on by Nikon!

If Nikon marketing  is shrewd, handing out a couple  of these new cameras to high profile instagrammers will demonstrate its capabilities to many in the target audience. It will not take much effort to highlight how much camera you get for the price of a smartphone + big bonuses of Greater Nikon Ecosystem of lenses made over the past 6 decades.

David H. Hartman

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2021, 19:00:32 »
A disappointment for me is the lack of a function button on the front of the camera below the preview button. I use the AF-ON button since its introduction and I've used the FV lock feature since I guess the D2H. I would hope the AE-L/AF-L button can be remapped as an AF-ON button but then where do I map and FV lock button. Did I miss something?

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2021, 23:01:57 »
The new camera looks very similar to the fuji x-t3 I own
I use it frequently with a 27mm f2.8 lens due to its small size
Armando Morales
D800, Nikon 1 V1, Fuji X-T3


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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2021, 23:28:20 »
It is a pity that Nikon lacks a suitable range of lenses for it. Even legacy lenses are a bit awkward with the DX-sized sensor because the range of focal lengths were made for what is now FX-size.

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2021, 23:48:46 »
Plus, using F-mount lenses requires FTZ or similar, adding to the perceived bulk.

Eddie Draaisma

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2021, 23:49:27 »
The proper comparison with classical Nikons is imho not the FM or FM2(a), not the FE or the FE2 but the FA from 1983. The FA introduced the PSAM selector, resulting in a inconsistent interface. For both P and S modes the lens had to be set at the smallest aperture (the at the time newly released Ais lenses were marked orange at smallest f-stop for that), and turning the shutter speed dial in P or A mode resulted in nothing happening...

In contrast e.g. the Fuji's are consistent; both aperture ring(s) and shutter speed dial have an A setting; set both to A and camera is in P mode.

Roland Vink

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2021, 00:15:55 »
The proper comparison with classical Nikons is imho not the FM or FM2(a), not the FE or the FE2 but the FA from 1983. The FA introduced the PSAM selector, resulting in a inconsistent interface. For both P and S modes the lens had to be set at the smallest aperture (the at the time newly released Ais lenses were marked orange at smallest f-stop for that), and turning the shutter speed dial in P or A mode resulted in nothing happening...

In contrast e.g. the Fuji's are consistent; both aperture ring(s) and shutter speed dial have an A setting; set both to A and camera is in P mode.
Agreed, the Fuji implementation seems very clean, but the Nikon approach allows for changing between aperture and shutter priority with only one switch while keeping the previous setting in place, allowing for quicker operation. With the Fuji, to switch from shutter to aperture priority you need to move two dials - the shutter dial to A and the aperture dial away from A. Also, by not forcing the dial to A, it can be used for other functions instead, such as setting minimum ISO.

The new camera does look nice, and overall feels like a better analogue/digital hybrid than the Df. Lack of IBIS is disappointing, and Nikon could do with a few more DX lenses to go with it.


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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2021, 00:33:42 »
Now that I see the announcment out I#d say its the "camera for the Chic" - and Nikon aiming at that (a bit similar they had triedwith the Nikon 1 J-series). I find it really a beautiful and attractive design, maybe the most beautiful camera body Nikon has currently available. For the aimed customer DX or FX may be irrelevant. Its not for me. I would probably buy it if it was full format.
Nikonrumors is announcing it with "high resolution" sensor, but 9MP can't considered to be very high BTW
Wolfgang Rehm

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2021, 05:24:09 »
Now that I see the announcment out I#d say its the "camera for the Chic" - and Nikon aiming at that (a bit similar they had triedwith the Nikon 1 J-series). I find it really a beautiful and attractive design, maybe the most beautiful camera body Nikon has currently available. For the aimed customer DX or FX may be irrelevant. Its not for me. I would probably buy it if it was full format.
Nikonrumors is announcing it with "high resolution" sensor, but 9MP can't considered to be very high BTW

It is 21.5mp. Not 9.

Øivind Tøien

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2021, 07:11:18 »
Seems like there is no wired remote support, only smart phone, just like Z50.  :(  That does not really agree with the retro philosophy.
Øivind Tøien

Ilkka Nissilä

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2021, 09:55:25 »
Seems like there is no wired remote support, only smart phone, just like Z50.  :(  That does not really agree with the retro philosophy.

That's a great pity. I wonder if a remote release could be made using the USB-C connector to control the camera?

Øivind Tøien

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Re: Nikon Z -fc formally announced
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2021, 10:11:25 »
That's a great pity. I wonder if a remote release could be made using the USB-C connector to control the camera?

Not in a simple way, but an astrophotography control program apparently might support the USB protocols:
"Cobberwebb in Re: Z50 for Astrophotography?
In reply to halai • 3 months ago
I'm using a Z50 at the moment with the 50-250mm kit lens.
Here you can see a few of my latest images:

2 issues with the Z50:
1. You need to use something like qDslrDashboard for long exposures as you can't connect an intervalometer. I connect it via USB to a spare android phone.
2. Battery life is a little short 2.5hrs-3hrs constant use, and I can't find ANY in stock at the moment, they are also expensive.

Other than that, it's a great little camera for astrophotography, just remember it has a crop sensor, so for wide shots a 14mm lens turns into 21mm."

There are some more clues in this thread with apparently BackYard Nikon and at least one other program supporting Z50, both running on a PC.
Øivind Tøien