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Nature, Flora, Fauna & Landscapes / Re: Rhino in the Ngorogoro Crater
« Last post by pluton on July 26, 2024, 20:04:14 »
A striking shot that I've come back to several times.
Your Weekly Blog / Re: July 2024
« Last post by pluton on July 26, 2024, 19:55:51 »
A couple of days ago the screen on my D3 died.
I really like the D3's I had, but needed more pixels at the time.  Now I know how long they would have lasted if I had kept them. 
Processing & Publication / Re: What photo editor with these features
« Last post by pluton on July 26, 2024, 19:31:44 »
My take:  No known raw>process>output>PRINT (important to me) software has everything that Lightroom has in one place.  Also, all the ones I've looked at have an inferior UI (my personal taste in UI's, of course).  I'm not close to being wealthy or well-to-do, but US$118 per year is cheaper than C1! 
Of course, if you're bored with it and are looking for a new challenge, like trying to figure out what 90 different unique and arbitrarily-designed icons mean, go get C1, DXO, On 1, Luminar, etc.
Your Weekly Blog / Re: July 2024
« Last post by Frank Fremerey on July 26, 2024, 16:53:28 »
happy family. Portugal 2024
Processing & Publication / Re: What photo editor with these features
« Last post by Dogman on July 26, 2024, 15:16:26 »
Nothing replaces Lightroom.

I've tried several options but none of them are as intuitive for me as a photographer.  It's comfortable and familiar.  I'm old and pretty simple-minded and I don't wanna learn new languages and skill sets at this point in my life.  I just suck it up, send my monthly fee to Adobe and continue with LR.
Processing & Publication / Re: What photo editor with these features
« Last post by Anthony on July 26, 2024, 13:02:51 »
Actually, no. Someone read the legalese of the latest terms of service (written by lawyers for lawyers) and drew conclusions of entirely the wrong order. The Internet Amplification Effect took over from there. Adobe learned a painful lesson in public relations, but they did learn it.

Here is their explanation of the terms of service in plain language. It is nicely done.

They are not helping themselves to your images. They need your permission to do certain things that their software is designed to do for you. If it is on their servers then they have legal obligations to check for prohibited material. Only images submitted to Adobe Stock will be used for training their AI engine, as clearly stated when you sign up for that service.

So you can relax and keep using Lightroom :)

Well said.
Processing & Publication / Re: What photo editor with these features
« Last post by Ian Watson on July 26, 2024, 12:31:11 »
Actually, no. Someone read the legalese of the latest terms of service (written by lawyers for lawyers) and drew conclusions of entirely the wrong order. The Internet Amplification Effect took over from there. Adobe learned a painful lesson in public relations, but they did learn it.

Here is their explanation of the terms of service in plain language. It is nicely done.

They are not helping themselves to your images. They need your permission to do certain things that their software is designed to do for you. If it is on their servers then they have legal obligations to check for prohibited material. Only images submitted to Adobe Stock will be used for training their AI engine, as clearly stated when you sign up for that service.

So you can relax and keep using Lightroom :)

Your Weekly Blog / Re: July 2024
« Last post by Birna Rørslett on July 26, 2024, 11:07:30 »
I love the very special rendition of the Rodenstock TV-Heligon 50mm f/0.75.

Here with the tiny Z30 as the mate of the massive lens. An unequal pair, for sure, however results can be adorable.
Your Weekly Blog / Re: July 2024
« Last post by Fons Baerken on July 26, 2024, 09:21:56 »

Zf  -  Z 50mm f/1.8S

Your Weekly Blog / Re: July 2024
« Last post by John Geerts on July 26, 2024, 08:19:50 »
Pink Flower
D850 AF-D 200/4
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