Mixed light, about 1.8 meters - The point is; the lens optics is carefully designed for a specific flange to sensor distance, with IF floating elements moving the optics around in the lens, it would require more than a miracle for any long extension to work for this kind of lens. IMHO 
Oviously my experience on a DX sensor differs. Wide open with PN-11 only similar light falloff is seen as in regular use. Below thumnail captures at roughly 1m (close focus), 1.5 and 2.5m (furthest focus), and this result is regardless of color temperature (indoor light and PC screen). Same with IR, no hotspot with PN 11 or lens used naked, close or far (previouly posted). But again only wide open possible with PN11 or my D40x.
Thus it is an important question: How much did you stop down before the hotspot showed? (Any filter attached?) For instance if there is a hopeless hotspot at f/8 in visible light with converted TC-20E extension tube, it isn't really much point for me to get it for the 300PF as I already have a chipped PN-11 for my 105/4.
Only focus set to closest distance on the lens gives optimal results with PN-11, but then they are good to excellent, and in particular considering that the lens could only be used wide open. (Sorry for the boring test subject, which incidentally came with the unused monetary gift that allowed me to buy the lens

; I tend to be given teddy bears because of my professional work with hibernating bears).
300PF/PN-11 at close focus wide open (whole frame)

300PF/TC14E/PN-11 at close focus wide open (whole frame)

300PF/TC14E/PN-11 scale at close focus wide open (whole frame, all with D5100)