Author Topic: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??  (Read 6225 times)


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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2021, 22:16:49 »
Probably not many exists as new in box.....but still a lot of money.
Is the FF-filter needed when you use the lens for capture UV-light so it act like a UV-bandpass filter (200 - 400 nm or so)?

I observed that the lens still has a red dot for IR-infinity so it is not corrected in the other end.....which is not needed of course.....just an observation :-)

It seems Dr. Klaus is "macro lens expert / collector"?

.....if he has all the lenses on the list in his collection......then it is a fine collection.

I wonder which of the macro lenses is the most "collective item"?

Birna Rørslett

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2021, 23:37:06 »
The "FF" filter was designed in the era in which film reigned supreme. It should not be used with the UV-Nikkor on a UV-capable digital camera as the filter leaks way too much IR. Far better UV-transmitting/IR-blocking filters are now available.

The UV-Nikkor is only specified by Nikon to be parfocal UV-VIS, not VIS-IR. The correction point of the lens is in the opposite direction of what is normally seen, ie. "beyond" infinity.


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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2021, 02:12:53 »
Many of the special glass filters can still be available in 50x50mm square format.  UR-2 is handy to mount them as they are.

By the way, if the FF filter were actually Hoya U330, it would be well deteriorated by now, just like my sample.   :'(
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Dr Klaus Schmitt

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2021, 10:54:53 »
Welll 12000 GBP is a lot of money - and it shows the other side of the price range

and there are the other components that are part of the set, the Nikon FF filter, the AF-1 filter holder (designed for Gelatine -foilters) and the UR2 adapter allowing to mount the FF filter to the AF-1

Correct and this British camera seller has always been known for a) exceptionally rare items in pristine condition and b) that this items is certainly not for a user, rather than for an avid NIKON collector! The parts asdie from the lens are rather of historic value since after the passing of film and teh appearance of digital cameras with their high IR sensitivity such older UV transmission filters are no longer useable as filters with OD3 better OD4 VIS+NIR (meaning >400nm - 1100nm) blocking are required for reflected UV photography.
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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2021, 23:34:40 »
Fortunately I got a sample of the UV-Nikkor in good condition. Never used the FF but the Baader U2 in combination with an IR blocking filter.
my trials in this field came to a temporary halt throughout the last years due to a bad work - life balance.
There were other filters around and there might exist newer and better filters i do not know of.

Would not say that IR-correction is not needed, its just not present so if this lens is used for IR then one has to deal with "focus shift"
Wolfgang Rehm


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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2021, 04:22:50 »
UR-2 is not only for the now-obsolete UV-pass filters.  Hoya and Schott makes IR-pass filters of various cut-off wavelengths in 50x50mm format.  It is handy to be able to switch between them without ordering them in filter rings, so long as you can find an appropriate 60/0.5P to, say, 52/0.75P adapter.
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Dr Klaus Schmitt

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2021, 22:02:11 »
UR-2 is not only for the now-obsolete UV-pass filters.  Hoya and Schott makes IR-pass filters of various cut-off wavelengths in 50x50mm format.  It is handy to be able to switch between them without ordering them in filter rings, so long as you can find an appropriate 60/0.5P to, say, 52/0.75P adapter.

I do agree Akira, I have a few very rare filters in 50x50mm format too and for them I do use the Filter holders like the UR-2 (btw. there is a copy of that being still sold by Edmund Optics and Thorlabs if I'm not mistaken)
formerly known as kds315

Dr Klaus Schmitt

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2021, 11:06:26 »
Well, just out of curiosity, I asked for a professional assessment of that set if I wanted to sell it, and this is what I got (KEH): $1.452.
Honestly that (proposed) buying price for a used EX+ UV-Nikkor 105mm was quite a shocker....

formerly known as kds315


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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2021, 11:16:08 »
Well, just out of curiosity, I asked for a professional assessment of that set if I wanted to sell it, and this is what I got (KEH).
Honestly that (proposed) buying price for an UV-Nikkor 105mm was quite a shocker....

I guess they are ignoring the premium part of its value to keep its price from skyrocketing, on condition that they add a reasonable amount of profit to their cost for the purchase.
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Dr Klaus Schmitt

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2021, 11:19:44 »
I guess they are ignoring the premium part of its value to keep its price from skyrocketing, on condition that they add a reasonable amount of profit to their cost for the purchase.

I can only assume that there is quite a premium on their selling price then; no idea what their sales prices would be then...usually they are very reasonable.
formerly known as kds315


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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2021, 17:02:28 »
When I compare what I have purchased lenses for as private purchase the professional price is usually double up.
I just got a mint (or at least near mint) Micro-Nikkor 150/4 AIS for $170 (private) and a local photo store has a similar but only in "good user condition" for about double up.
Another example is an EL-Nikkor 50/2.8 (older type) which is about $50 private and those are usually mint or near mint. A similar is $130 in a local store.
A mint or near mint 50/1.2 AIS is same store is about $830.

Bill De Jager

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2021, 22:24:03 »
I can only assume that there is quite a premium on their selling price then; no idea what their sales prices would be then...usually they are very reasonable.

I have no idea what KEH sells this lens for these days, but I bought mine from them for US$2200 back in 2014 (or thereabouts) when the going price was already at least $4K.  When I saw that price I jumped on it. I have no idea why they priced it so low at that time when they had no problem pricing other expensive lenses at prices realistic for the market, for instance the 58/1.2 AI/S and the exotic telephotos.

Dr Klaus Schmitt

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Re: Would you pay 1000 for this Nikkor set??
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2021, 08:52:36 »
I have no idea what KEH sells this lens for these days, but I bought mine from them for US$2200 back in 2014 (or thereabouts) when the going price was already at least $4K.  When I saw that price I jumped on it. I have no idea why they priced it so low at that time when they had no problem pricing other expensive lenses at prices realistic for the market, for instance the 58/1.2 AI/S and the exotic telephotos.

This about right for what I paid for mine here in Germany years ago (EUR1.800). But these times are long gone...
formerly known as kds315