Thanks all. Actually, all shots are from the 28/3.5 PC so far.
#3 is special: I forgot to close the diaphragm before pressing the shutter release. Consequently, the shot was overexposed by 2 1/2 stops which, given the low general contrast, I could compensate in PP. On the other hand, there was a distinct softness and/or "glow". I pushed the sharpening in LightRoom and got decent results, despite my having applied some (moderate, upward) shift.
As mentioned elsewhere, the 28/3.5 is opticaly good but nothing more. It shows high CA when shifted, but lightroom CA correction works even in that case, don't ask me why. Rendering in B&W is significantly better than color, to my taste. Above all, its usage as a time machine (moving back to view camera aesthetics in a very small package) is quite appealing.
In case you would wonder - the restoration of the 100+ year old view camera is temporarily suspended - I have quite an agenda since September - deadline is now March.