Hand-held fisheye UV photography is not for the faint of heart. However, with the Sunex 5.6mm f/5.6 at least it is possible if you can keep the camera still for a few seconds ...
I had planned on using the D3200 for this as it has the required Baader U filter built-in, but being absent-minded I found myself at location only with the modified Z6 and a rear filter box, not optimised for the Sunex at all. Only a small part of the frame is covered by the Sunex, but the loss of pixels probably didn't matter much when I was holding the camera
. Besides, the adjusted session focus for the Sunex (a fix-focus optic, but can be trimmed if required) was for the D3200, not my rear filter so focus was off. Oh well.
A pine tree and some Wood Anemones made a decorate subject for my today's UV foray.