Images > Life, the Universe & Everything Else

How do those windmills get there?

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Thomas Stellwag:

--- Quote from: Erik Lund on November 09, 2020, 11:34:43 ---Levitating windmills  :o

--- End quote ---

this is a good one

Erik Lund:
Thx, ;) It was a beautiful morning on the island of Lolland

Øivind Tøien:
Very nice, both of them, Erik!

Great pictures of both of you. A big like for the “phantomatic” ones of Erik.

Though not a fan in everyday life of these installations which very often spoil the environment, have more than uncertain economic returns, and are very noisy, when you are close, as I experienced during a couple of days when I was moored at the immediate vicinity of a windmill park when I was in the navy. Just my one cent, no intent to start a controversy  ;)

 Eric has captured nature's improvement of windmill aesthetics.


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