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the bad monochrome light combined with high ISO is also difficult. I preferred lower ISO over more DOF, which was not always the best of decisions as you state correctly
I think you did very good with the conditions. I´m more attracted to the 9th picture in the first set. Backlight classic view front the side of the stage, emotion captured and ambiance. Shallow depth of field doesn´t bother me in the slightest. I like it actually.
I find myself irrationally preferring lower ISO as a holdover from the film days, when ISO 1600 or 3200 was visual death due to film grain noise. Also, these 2 new shots are very well done.
I like image #4 the best, clean looking kids btw.
Excellent images. Do you have a sound sample of (one of) their performances ?
Nice work, I'm sure the band will love the images.