My friend Leroy and I took a trip south to Lake Kissimmee, FL yesterday morning to photograph meadowlarks. They aren't usually found at the lake itself, but along the 4 mile access road to the lake and that is where we found them. The best time of the year to see them is during late March to early April when they are mating and staking out their territories. At that time of the year they are in full song, now, wholly mute. There weren't too many in attendance, but we did manage to get a few shots. We also saw limpets (or perhaps ibis, see the third image-perhaps someone with greater knowledge could positively identify it), sandhill cranes and shrikes. The first three images were taken using Leroy's 800mm Sigma lens at f/5.6 and 1/2500 sec. exposure. ISO for the first two images was 640 and for the third image 220. The remaining images were taken using Leroy's 500mm f/5.6 PF lens. The exposure for all four shots was 1/1250 sec. at f/5.6 , and the ISOs were respectively, 100, 110, 560 and 560. This was my first time using that lens and I was quite impressed with the image quality and background isolation. It is a very nice lens, although significantly heavier than the 300mm f/4 PF. All the images were taken using my Nikon D500 body.