Could you please be so kind to explain how one does this?
Try this:
In FF, go to the options page(small gear looking icon).
In the Options page, on the left hand side, click on privacy & security. Scroll down to bottom and look for the certificates area.
Click the [View Certificates] box, which will pop open a new sub-window.
There are 4 tabs across the top, click on the Servers tab.
You will then see a list of certificate servers, scroll down to find the one labelled:
"Secticgo Limited ..... * ....."If it's not listed, then at the bottom edge of the window is a button to create an exception.
When you click on it, it will open a dialogue box with https:\\ already set, you add in to complete the address field.
One of a few things may happen:
If the nikongear certificate is listed in the server list, it may already be valid and verified .. so no need to do anything.
(this is what mine says now)
If for some reason yours doesn't show the certificate valid, then on entering the required data, the add exception box should enable itself, allowing you to add an exception.
Another option: if you have the certificate listed on the servers list, click on the *accountserver line and delete it, and run through the [add exception] routine again.
Also note, to make it permanent there is a tickbox to do so at the time of adding the exception.
Hope that helps.