Author Topic: 150mm Filter Holder System  (Read 3121 times)


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150mm Filter Holder System
« on: August 05, 2019, 15:53:50 »
The link explains it all with pictures. Album of WIP images. (better pictures coming soon) I am willing to modify and sell these to those wanting something similar without paying the money for Wine Country's.

I recently took the system for its first outing on my summer vacation. It was amazing to have and use compared to the old tension system that is the stock Haida system. my ND exposures used to take an hour because of the glass panes/pains. When using an ND filter for silky waterfalls when I was worried about framing of focus just pinch the release and pull it up 90% and let it sit there while you focus and drop it back in.  So Amazing. Got several water fall shots and different angles in 30 minutes compared to one shot coupled with anxiety about breaking filers I can  barely hold onto. I only had one occasion where there was a light leak and needed the clips as it was noon. The  clips are super quick and easy to install and worked perfectly.

I also printing and designing a wall "filter" to insert into the system to cover the front element when not in use or walking around or moving. My 19mm F/4 is too expensive to let out into the wild like that. I also have a "lens cap" that fits atop the actual filter adapter plate. because taking those off lenses every time you set up is annoying.