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Very nice snapshots Akira - especially the last one
Akira- I always like to see your work because it gives me some insight onto a place and culture I will probably never get a chance to personally experience.
Agreeing with Arthur, I tjink it is also about your personal sensitivity. You always show things I will miss, often delicate, subtle harmonies... Difficult to pinpoint others style. Thank you for sharing it
Akira, you just posted (last pic above) the perfect illustration of the modern, Tokyoite Lili Marleen, or リリー・マルレーンThat song went immediately to my mind.
+1 from me. Great work Akira.
I enjoyed the little series , thanks for sharing it
I always love the chance to see a little more of your beautiful country through your sensitive and observant eyes.
Akira, girl on the phone is classic. Tom