Author Topic: Subscription Auto-renewal: Want to turn it off?  (Read 9785 times)

Andrea B.

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  • Posts: 1671
Subscription Auto-renewal: Want to turn it off?
« on: July 26, 2019, 14:56:21 »
If you would like to turn off the Auto-renew feature of your current NG Forum Subscription, then that must be done in your PayPal Account. We cannot do that for you because, of course, we cannot access your PayPal account.  8)

Our NG Forum Subscription process sets up a corresponding PayPal Subscription in your PayPal account. The PayPal Subscription feature is how PayPal manages recurring payments. So, to stop Auto-renew for your NG Forum Subscription, you must remove the corresponding PayPal Subscription in your PayPal account.

Doing that does not end your current Forum Subscription, it simply removes the recurrent payment for Subscription renewal. When your current Subscription expires, you will need to create a new Forum Subscription if you want to remain a NG Supporter. We hope you do!!

Starting now, Auto-renew has become an optional feature of the NG Forum Subscription. New Subscribers or re-Subscribers will need to deliberately choose Auto-renew if that is what they want.

Remember, Nikongear is a non-monetized forum, and the Crew receives no income or benefits from your Forum Subscriptions. All Subscription money is held in a special account and used to pay for the virtual server, domain registrations, SSL Certificate and any other fees associated with running a forum and maintaining Subscription accounts.

Nikongear thanks all NG Supporters for their help with maintaining this most excellent forum!!

I'm only here on NG occasionally to help out, but I will watch this post in case anyone
has further questions which I might be able to answer.