Thanks a lot Peter and Airy for your comments
@ Peter you are right about the foreground in pic one, I tried to darekn ist, then the whole image gets too dark imo, if you cut it off, the view doesn´t show any more a deer a the nap, it turns into a a voeuyeristic kind if picture - I will try again, thanks (time is my problem atm)
the group was too far away for flash, I am not happy with the colour version, even I would prefer it here - this red brown of the deers and of our sandstone ground is the same, togethr with the new green were are getting kitsch in colours - garden gnome like
@ Airy you might be right, will check Exif for the exposure time used. I am an enemy of Auto Iso, sometimes it strikes back. As well I will work on your suggestions for pic 2 - let´s see if i am able to follow it for an improovement - thanks