Author Topic: New joiner from London  (Read 4282 times)


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New joiner from London
« on: March 19, 2019, 00:52:24 »
Hi all. I find myself thrown back into photography after ten or so years being busy with other pursuits. After starting with B/W in the early sixties, I was a techie - moving from one of the earliest auto cameras - a Konica - to Nikon when the F501 came out. I ended up with the powerful and fast D1h and a pile of older lenses.

Recently I needed to do some photomicroscopy and some sports photography, so I dived in by getting hold of a Df, which seemed to be the best fit for all my old lenses. Needless to say, I now have a big list of related minor hurdles I need to overcome, and so I'm here.

I have a varied list of skills, from translating to sports coaching, from machining to coding, and at my relatively advance age I feel I'm in a hurry to complete projects, while watching my todo list grow daily.

I definitely fall into the 'Grumpy old man' category, and I deplore what I regard as the dreadful state of modern software, though I do accept that the problem is probably more me than it (IT ?). I find that forums keep me sane, and remind me that there are others out there (you lot among them ?) as crazy as myself !

One of my recent resolves is to spend more time playing real games like this, and let others fix my house and my vehicles. Since I can't take any of it with me, another is to spend more of my limited pension on my hobbies and pursuits, and leave my daughters less in the pot when I kick it.

Oh, and my third resolve is to ride my bikes slower !
Richard Hart


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Re: New joiner from London
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2019, 03:52:33 »
Richard, Welcome from another "grumpy old man" .    I'm finding the productive days get less frequent, and shorter, and try to complete one 'to do' each day but losing battle since my wife adds at least two  :( .
The Df is just about my favourite camera and a lot of fun to use.  Enjoy  ;D .  I miss the photo ops of London but not the traffic.

This is a great place for information and motivation to move away from "my box" shooting wise,   Post some images, ask questions .
Tom Hardin, Goa, India

Erik Lund

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Re: New joiner from London
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2019, 08:29:50 »
Welcome to NikonGear! Enjoy ;)
Erik Lund

Birna Rørslett

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Re: New joiner from London
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2019, 08:53:57 »
Welcome to our friendly and quite peaceful corner of Cyberspace. I'm sure you'l find soul mates amongst our members :D

Thomas Stellwag

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Re: New joiner from London
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2019, 10:09:52 »
welcome here
are you riding old British bikes or new ones?
Thomas Stellwag