I just thought I'd share some photos I took this morning with the very early 1960's Isco lens. To me, this type of lens gets me out there. Not heavy, offers creativity, makes me think. Plus they are inexpensive! I picked up this lens from the charity shop for £40. Quite a bit, but cheaper than most protect filters!
First photo is of the lens, and the others are from this morning used on my Df.
Its an M42 lens and after a service and calibration of the focus it was ready to go. No other tools than a small screwdriver needed!
Just thought I'd share this as I am really enjoying what I am getting. Its inspiring me in a way that the Sigma Art 50mm never even hinted at - that was just like photocopying reality, not what I was wanting to see. Now I have the Z6 I will be definitely exploring this avenue and am already working on adapting some similar lenses.