Here are a few from Seattle - 47.5 N, so these will look familiar to those of us well north of Armando. Any NG members in Chile or Argentina? Seattle is normally grey and rainy at this time of year, but luckily we started the evening with only scattered, intermittent cloud and the air seemed quite clear. It did begin to get a little foggy towards the end - camera, lens and tripod were dripping wet from condensation by the time I disassembled everything. The first two are with the 500 mm f/4 P on a D810 (at ISO 200, 1/8, f/8 and ISO 800, 1/2, f/5.6 respectively). For the third and fourth I added the TC-301 to make it 1000 mm, which worked very nicely (both at ISO 64, 1/15, f/16 - i.e. closed down two stops plus the two lost to the TC). This set-up is far too heavy for my little star-tracker, and I notice that bright stars trail diagonally across about 5 pixels in the 1/2-second shots. All are cropped a bit, processed for CA and contrast, and lightly sharpened.
Cheers, John