I don't seem to be able to make paragraphs. (My Mac is putting the Kbosh on my nonsense.)
<I'm giving my old 2011 "Sandy Bridge" a bit of un-retirement. Apple stuff always was/is somewhat of a performance and status symbol.
(In in the early 90's, I wanted to use photoshop, no one knew anything about computers, so I sought out PS users and they pointed me directly to a Mac.) I still have PS 2.1, on floppy disks somewhere.
My favorite box was a Performa 6360 (I think.) I added a graphics card, AV card (analog) in & out, Television tuner card, USB/Firewire and a cutting edge, Sonnet G3 processor. I also had a flatbed scanner that featured an A4 size transparency lid. I could scan 4- 4X5 negs from an old Graflex press camera. (& I did have a 90mm Schneider.)
I went through many, many Macs. I purchased, repaired & sold over 100 on the internet, before ebay really took shape. I also did the same with photo gear.
Sorry for the intro/history. Just an old guy rambling. I went ape when the Powerbook G3 appeared. I still have the old black plastic monster, pristine, tucked away in the original box. I had a couple G4 laptops. They were ok, not excellent. When the Sandy Bridge MacBook Pro's appeared, I bit again. (Both the G3 an the 2011, doubled the speed of the previous model.
I honestly would love to take a current 15" MBP for a test drive, however my circumstances puts me outside the "Mac-ism Glow." I cannot tinker, upgrade, switch anything anymore & it seems that you now have to follow the yearly OS upgrade to stay in the click. It was also a nightmare connecting to an external monitor.
I had some issues with my 2011 and eventually ventured & learned MS windows. Mac OS 10.6 and Win 7 are nearly identical under the hood. I recently pulled my MBP out of hibernation, and it needed a new battery. The original failed with 3 charging cycles. (It was my fault, I should have plugged it in every now & then.)
I have no qualms with Apple. I have an iPhone that I only use for calls & drum loops and low end recording when I bang on one of my guitars. Currently I'm using 2 Dell Lattitudes with quad i7's. Dell provides a manual to guide you through replacing every component on the darned thing, if it fails. (The Genius Bar is a Nightmare.)
From a power user point of view, those i9, 4K Gaming notebook albatross rigs make me rubber neck more than Apple's latest offerings. The Dell Precision line of notebooks really look good. (Why don't they offer a 4K 17" IPS screen.) The M4800/4K is really interesting. A Dell refurb of the same costs 1/4 the $$ of a new MBP. (It's also 4 times as big & heavy.)
Best wishes on your new Mac. Just couldn't sleep & had the urge to ramble.