This could be a tall order when one takes into account the wide range of cameras involved!
Assuming that this is a question of how to get raw files to match upon conversion, I'd probably start with Jack's suggestion. If you use Lightroom or ACR, it is very fast to do the calibration with the Color Checker. Save each camera's calibration as a 'User Preset', which can be applied at the time of import into ACR/Lightroom.
Without the Color Checker, I'd shoot an identical scene all with cameras. Cameras would be set to a fixed white balance, like Daylight.
Then I'd process the test shot from one of the cameras, and then take them all through processing to match the first. Save the settings of your raw converter manually or if the converter allows, as a user preset applicable to that camera's files upon/after import.
If you are shooting JPEGs, you can try the laborious process of adjusting the Picture Control of each camera, shooting, reviewing, adjusting again.
Most will probably agree that you've got a better chance of matching all the cameras by shooting raw, since JPEGs have much less processing latitude.