Reading photography gears reviews and images critiques is turning to be a very entertaining succession of moments.
So there is a guy who "allegedly" is shooting side by side the same chart or scene with a D850 and a Z7.
Lo and behold, he discovers that banding occurs heavier in the Z7 than the D850 when the EV is pushed between +4EV and +6EV !!!!
Yeah, right, one guy is on low ISO but only shows the ISO and speed.
Another guy goes up to ISO40000+
And the third guy had banding shooting the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at long exposure!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really? I mean really?
I once put my Iphone in my back pocket and the camera was turned on by mistake. I only found out when my bum became hot. Me think I should do a review on the Iphone with he negative point that if you keep your Iphone camera on, it will warm up your bum. Or it could be perceived as an additional benefit for the Iphone for the so inclined people.............. Dohhh
Well, it is very entertaining to a certain degree reading comedian reviewers!